Kristjan Rant

Kristjan Rant

Research And Development Engineer at Mebius

Kristian is a research & development engineer at Mebius. His diverse career spans roles such as Head of Projects, CAD Mechanical Designer, and Computer 3D Designer.

Kristjan is a research & development engineer at Mebius. His diverse career includes roles such as Head of Projects, CAD Mechanical Designer, and Computer 3D Designer.

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Why Engineers are using Modeling and Simulation to Accelerate the Development of Electric Vehicles

Amidst surging consumer demand and stringent regulatory mandates, automotive manufacturers are faced with the urgent task of transitioning to the manufacture of electric vehicles (“EVs”). In this article, we explore the challenges impeding this shift and delve into how COMSOL Multiphysics aids in EV design, addressing critical concerns such as battery optimization, hydrogen-based technology, acoustic performance, and fluid dynamics.