Privacy Policy

Why was this document prepared

SciEngineer Kft stores personal information for several reasons, while observing both the affected parties’ rights as well as legal regulations. SciEngineer Kft deems it important to share with visitors how their personal information is stored.

On what grounds do we store personal information?

Personal information is collected only for defined purposes based on applicable law. These purposes and their legal bases are described in the individual sections of the various privacy policies.

Who handles your personal information?

Your personal information is handled by SciEngineer Kft. Contact:

Address: 1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út. 15/d
Email: [email protected]
Web address:
Telephone: +36 1 372 0692


What external help is used when storing personal information?

Your personal information is stored by SciEngineer Kft mostly on its own premises. There are, however, operations for which external data processing help is used. The concrete personnel handling your data may vary depending on the characteristics of the data management activity. If you would like to know what data processing resources take part in a concrete data management activity, please refer to the “Data processor” category of the concrete privacy policy.

What principles are followed during the data management process?

Personal information is managed pursuant to current legal regulations. SciEngineer Kft only handles personal data defined in the individual data management and privacy policies. Personal information shared are protected by all available technical and organizational resources. The company takes the greatest care to maintain the confidentiality, intactness and availability of personal information at all times. After you have submitted your data, SciEngineer Kft will be responsible for their accuracy and validity. Terms used in this document are used pursuant to the regulations of Act CXII of 2011 on the Freedom of Information.

What rights do you have in relation to your personal data stored by SciEngineer Kft?

You may request that your information is modified:

If your personal information changes, or is not accurate, you may request that it be modified at any time during the period your personal information is managed by the company. Please inform us through our published contact details.

You may request that your personal information is deleted:

In the case of personal data collection based on consent, that consent can be withdrawn at any time, and you can request that your data be deleted. Your request will be processed within 25 days of its receipt, and you will be notified by mail or email (if so authorized). If, based on some legal regulation, we are unable to fulfill your request, then it will be rejected, and the reason for rejection will be communicated to you. Your personal data will be deleted, if storing and handling it is against the law, or the deadline defined for storing data has expired; or if a court or the National Authority for Data Protection and the Freedom of Information so decided. We will quarantine your personal data if you so wish, or if it can be assumed based on available data that deleting your data would harm your lawful interests.

Your right to be informed

During the time your data are stored and handled by SciEngineer Kft, you have the right to receive information regarding your personal data, and how your data are stored, especially about:

  • the source of the data,
  • the purpose of the use of the data and the length of use,
  • the name and address of the party processing the data, and its activities related to the data,
  • the legal basis and parties the data may be shared with,
  • any data breach incidents.

We will get back to you within 25 days of receiving your request. You may request information on the same data free of charge once in a calendar year. Various authorities, the police, the prosecutor, the courts, administrative bodies, the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority, and based on legal regulations, other bodies may contact SciEngineer Kft to provide or get access to data. If the requesting authority defined the data exactly, then the personal data, to the degree necessary for complying with the purpose of the request, will be made available.

Protest against the storage of personal information You have the right to protest if SciEngineer Kft continues to store your personal information in order to comply with a legal requirement or to protect the interest of SciEngineer Kft or a third party after such right has been withdrawn. Protests can be submitted at the contact details provided.

Protests will be considered and replied to within 15 days of their receipt by SciEngineer Kft. Should this not happen, you have the right to turn to the courts to protect your interests.

Your rights under the law If you think your rights to your personal information have been violated, you can turn to the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information or the relevant courts.

Contact the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information at:

1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/C.

Phone/fax: +36 (1) 391-1400

E-mail: [email protected] Web:


1. Privacy policy for MathWorks customers

What information is stored

SciEngineer Kft stores and manages the personal information of its customers (surname, first name, address, email, phone number) directly or indirectly in its own customer management system (Salesforce).

Why your personal information is stored

We may receive personal information either from you or the developers of MathWorks products

Mathworks Inc1 Apple Hill Drive, Natick, MA 01760-2098, UNITED STATES

Tax ID# 942960235, Phone: 508-647-7000, Fax: 508-647-7001

This information is managed by SciEngineer Kft in order to license the use of Mathworks software products, and to fulfill its contractual obligations towards its clients.

The legal basis for storing personal information

Your data are stored pursuant to Section 7. b) of Guideline 95/46/EU in order to provide you the contractual services, and prior to that, to take any steps that you may request us to take.

How long is your personal information stored?

Your personal information is stored for 5 years after the expiry of our contractual obligations to you.

Who can store your personal information?

Your data are stored by authorized SciEngineer Kft personnel.

Who we share your data with

Your personal information is sent to the issuer of the trial license Mathworks Inc1 Apple Hill Drive, Natick, MA 01760-2098, UNITED STATES, Tax ID# 942960235, Phone: 508-647-7000, Fax: 508-647-7001.

Your data are sent in order to meet the contractual obligations in the contract between you and Mathworks Inc. /GDPR Article 49.(1) b)/

Mathworks has joined the Privacy Shield initiative and guarantees the proper management of your information.

More information:

What third party data processing service provider is used?

We manage our customers’ data with Salesforce software.

Salesforce Team can be reached at the following address:

Salesforce Data Protection Officer

The Landmark @ One Market Street, Suite 300

San Francisco, CA 94105

Email: [email protected]


2. Privacy policy for COMSOL customers

What information is stored

SciEngineer Kft stores and manages the personal information of its customers (surname, first name, address, email, phone number) directly or indirectly in its own customer management system (Salesforce).

Why your personal information is stored

Your personal information is received from you or the developer of COMSOL products,

COMSOL Inc. (100 District Avenue, Burlington, MA 01803 USA, +1-781-273-3322, [email protected]

These data are stored by SciEngineer Kft in order to sign contracts, issue invoices and fulfill its contractual obligations towards its customers.

The legal basis for storing personal information

Your data are stored pursuant to Section 7. b) of Guideline 95/46/EU in order to provide you the contractual services, and prior to that, to take any steps that you may request us to take.

How long is your personal information stored?

Your personal information is stored for 5 years after the expiry of our contractual obligations to you.

Who can store your personal information?

Your data are stored by authorized SciEngineer Kft personnel.

Who we share your data with

Your personal data are sent to the issuer of the license, COMSOL Inc. (100 District Avenue, Burlington, MA 01803 USA, +1-781-273-3322, [email protected]

Your data are sent in order to meet the contractual obligations in the contract between you and COMSOL Inc. /GDPR Article 49.(1) b)/

COMSOL has joined the Privacy Shield initiative and guarantees the proper management of your information.

More information:

What third party data processing service provider is used?

We manage our customers’ data with Salesforce software.

Salesforce Team can be reached at the following address:

Salesforce Data Protection Officer

The Landmark @ One Market Street, Suite 300

San Francisco, CA 94105

Email: [email protected]


3. Privacy policy for MathWorks trial version customers

What information is stored

SciEngineer Kft stores and manages the personal information of its customers (surname, first name, company, job role, phone number, email, country, profession) directly or indirectly in its own customer management system (Salesforce).

Why your personal information is stored

Personal information you share with us are used and managed in order to provide you with the trial version of MATHWORKS and to support you during the period of the trial.

The legal basis for storing personal information

Your data are stored pursuant to Section 7. b) of Guideline 95/46/EU in order to provide you the contractual services, and prior to that, to take any steps that you may request us to take.

How long is your personal information stored?

Your personal information is stored for 5 years after the expiry of our contractual obligations to you.

Who can store your personal information?

Your data are stored by authorized SciEngineer Kft personnel.

Who we share your data with

Your personal information is sent to the issuer of the trial license Mathworks Inc1 Apple Hill Drive, Natick, MA 01760-2098, UNITED STATES, Tax ID# 942960235, Phone: 508-647-7000, Fax: 508-647-7001.

Your data are sent in order to meet the contractual obligations in the contract between you and Mathworks Inc. /GDPR Article 49.(1) b)/

Mathworks has joined the Privacy Shield initiative and guarantees the proper management of your information.

More information:

What third party data processing service provider is used?

We manage our customers’ data with Salesforce software.

Salesforce Team can be reached at the following address:

Salesforce Data Protection Officer

The Landmark @ One Market Street, Suite 300

San Francisco, CA 94105

Email: [email protected]


4. Privacy policy for COMSOL trial version customers

What information is stored

SciEngineer Kft stores and manages the personal information of its customers (surname, first name, company, job role, phone number, email, country, profession) directly or indirectly in its own customer management system (Salesforce).

Why your personal information is stored

Personal information you share with us are used and managed in order to provide you with the trial version of COMSOL and to support you during the period of the trial.

The legal basis for storing personal information

Your data are stored pursuant to Section 7. b) of Guideline 95/46/EU in order to provide you the contractual services, and prior to that, to take any steps that you may request us to take.

How long is your personal information stored?

Your personal information is stored for 5 years after the expiry of our contractual obligations to you.

Who can store your personal information?

Your data are stored by authorized SciEngineer Kft personnel.

Who we share your data with

Your personal data are sent to the issuer of the license. (100 District Avenue, Burlington, MA 01803 USA, +1-781-273-3322, [email protected]

Your data are sent in order to meet the contractual obligations in the contract between you and COMSOL Inc. /GDPR Article 49.(1) b)/

COMSOL has joined the Privacy Shield initiative and guarantees the proper management of your information.

More information:

What third party data processing service provider is used?

We manage our customers’ data with Salesforce software.

Salesforce Team can be reached at the following address:

Salesforce Data Protection Officer

The Landmark @ One Market Street, Suite 300

San Francisco, CA 94105

Email: [email protected]


5. Privacy policy for invoicing

What information is stored

SciEngineer Kft manages name and address information provided by customers.

Why your personal information is stored

Your personal data are stored by SciEngineer Kft pursuant to its obligations as set forth in the Act on Accounting.

The legal basis for storing personal information

The collection of information is based legally on the request for an invoice and your voluntary consent.

When issuing invoices the issuer shall retain a copy of the invoice. If you withdraw your voluntary consent, then Act C of 2000 on Accounting will serve as the basis for the storing of personal data.

How long is your personal information stored?

As to voluntary consents for requests for invoices, the period of data management lasts until the consent is withdrawn. Copies of invoices shall be retained by the business for 8 years as prescribed by the Act on Accounting.

Who we share your data with

Your personal information required for sending mail is not shared with third parties. We share your data with third parties only based on legal requirements, or the official, lawful request by authorities or official bodies.

What third party data processing service provider is used?

Invoices are produced in the invoicing program Novitax, developed and supported by Számítástechnikai Számviteli Szolgáltató és Kereskedelmi Kft (Computerized Accounting Services Ltd).

Contact details of Számítástechnikai Számviteli Szolgáltató és Kereskedelmi Kft:

Mailing address: 1105 Budapest, Gitár u. 4.

P.O. Box: 1475 Budapest Pf.: 205

Phone: (+36 1) 263 2363

Fax: (+36 1) 262 6417

E-mail: [email protected]



6. Privacy policy for correspondence purposes

What information is stored

SciEngineer Kft manages the first name, last name, company, job role, phone and email, country and profession details provided by people registering for information letters.

Why your personal information is stored

Your personal information is stored by SciEngineer Kft in order to provide you information on its services and special offers.

The legal basis for storing personal information

Your personal data required to provide you with our letter on our services are collected based on your consent.

How long is your personal information stored?

Your personal data are stored until your consent is withdrawn.

You can re-register to receive mail from us at any time!

Who we share your data with

Your personal information required for sending mail is not shared with third parties. We share your data with third parties only based on legal requirements, or the official, lawful request by authorities or official bodies.

What third party data processing service provider is used?

Our emails of our services and special offers are produced by the software by MailChimp. Your personal data are stored on an external server and email addressees are selected from this server.

MailChimp as part of the Rocket Sience Group can reached at the following address:

The Rocket Science Group, LLC
675 Ponce de Leon Ave NE
Suite 5000
Atlanta, GA 30308 USA

Personal data are protected by Privacy Shield.


7. Privacy policy for events

What information is stored

SciEngineer Kft stores the names, phone numbers, email addresses, mailing addresses, and professions of registrants to events.

Why your personal information is stored

Your personal data is stored by SciEngineer Kft in order to organize and manage events.

The legal basis for storing personal information

Your personal information needed to organize the events are stored based on your consent.

How long is your personal information stored?

Your personal data are stored until your consent is withdrawn.

You can re-register to receive mail from us at any time!

Who we share your data with

Your personal information is not shared with third legal or natural parties. We share your data with third parties only based on legal requirements, or the official, lawful request by authorities or official bodies.

Which third-party data processing service provider is used?

We manage our customers’ data with Salesforce software.

Salesforce Team can be reached at the following address:

Salesforce Data Protection Officer

The Landmark @ One Market Street, Suite 300

San Francisco, CA 94105

Email: [email protected]


8. Privacy policy for customer relations

What information is stored

SciEngineer Kft stores the surname, first name, company, job role, phone number, email address, country and profession of registrants.

Why your personal information is stored

Your personal information is stored by SciEngineer Kft in order to manage customer relations with those efficiently who are interested in its products, services and those who request quotes.

The legal basis for storing personal information

Your personal information needed for client relations are stored based on your consent.

How long is your personal information stored?

Your personal information is stored until you withdraw your consent, or for one month following the reply to the offer or to the question.

Who we share your data with

Your personal information is not shared with third legal or natural parties. We share your data with third parties only based on legal requirements, or the official, lawful request by authorities or official bodies.

What third party data processing service provider is used?

We manage our customers’ data with Salesforce software.

Salesforce Team can be reached at the following address:

Salesforce Data Protection Officer

The Landmark @ One Market Street, Suite 300

San Francisco, CA 94105

Email: [email protected]