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9 result found

  • Engineer working in Optimization Module of COMSOL

    Structural Optimization with COMSOL Multiphysics

    Explore COMSOL’s Optimization Module for enhanced engineering designs. This video provides a quick overview of COMSOL Multiphysics, spotlighting mechanical modeling and optimization tools. The presentation includes a live demonstration of a straightforward stress/strain optimization of a mechanical component subject to static loading and more.

  • Ai robotics working on a car

    AI: Driving the Industry Towards Greater Success

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is seen as a promising technology that can help leading OEMs to maintain their position as market leaders. In this post, read about how AI is changing the manufacturing sector, as well as its potential advantages and potential drawbacks.

  • MATLAB and Simulink for Automotive

    MATLAB and Simulink for Automotive

    Discover how MATLAB and Simulink drive automotive innovation. Learn how these tools expedite vehicle development and help OEMs meet evolving market demands.

  • Equalization process of a SW equalizer applying COLA

    FBMC – An Ever-Promising Candidate for 5G Technologies and Beyond

    In this blog, we discuss the newest solution for improving the signal processing of FBMC receivers. Explore the newest solution for improving the signal processing of FBMC receivers, including efficient implementation strategies and receiver structure enhancements. Discover new insights and alternative signal processing solutions that promise enhanced performance and reduced complexity for these crucial systems.

  • Machine Learning with MATLAB

    Explore how MATLAB transforms the world of machine learning. Discover 5 areas where MATLAB can help solve diverse learning problems. From interactive apps to Simulink integration, we’ve got you covered.